Monday 7 February 2011

RIP Brian Jacques

Okay, I've just spent the afternoon taking some books to my local charity shop, browsing at the library and then having a quick bite while reading - a nice way to spend time, I think you'll agree.

Which makes the news that Brian Jacques has passed away even more crushing when I returned. Brian Jacques is the author of the Redwall series, which has reached 22 books and been read by millions.

I first picked up his novels age nine and adored them. The food in particular made me drool! His characters were always fun and interesting. What I loved most about his stories was the fact that they highlighted attributes such as courage, compassion and honour.

Mr Jacques joins a growing league of authors that I read in my youth who have sadly gone to the great tavern in the sky: David Gemmell, David Eddings, Robert Jordan. I hate that the magic they've all provided has come to an end - but their legacy is the wonderful, fantastical stories that we can still read.

My condolences to the family of Brian Jacques. He will be missed.


  1. Your last paragraph is poetic. Another hole in the fantasy tapestry with Jacques passing. Very sad. His books were among my faves as a youth as well.

  2. Love the Redwall series. I'm sad to hear this also.

  3. Ach, I had no idea Eddings and Gemmell had also passed away.

    This is a triple blow and a stern reminder that I'm less informed than I had thought.

    Although it also brings home the truth that you live on, comfortable and ageless, through the things you have written. All four remain my friends and inspiration.

  4. I read as many of the Redwall series as there were when I was about 9. It was only when I came to look for new copies for my little boy (he's only 3, but his dad - who never read them himself as a child - reads them to him at bedtime, and probably enjoys them just as much!) that I realised Jacques had slotted so many more in and around the ones I'd read. That, and that I gave all my old copies to my bloody cousins, who have *not* given them back.

    Magical, beautiful books. If you don't love Gonff, you have no heart. Even if he does slightly overuse "Matey".

  5. What a beautiful post and I definitely agree. It is so very sad that Brian Jacques died but he won't be forgotten and his books will continue to be a vital part of children's literature.
