There is one big reason: NaNoWriMo. Otherwise known as National Novel Writing Month. Yep, that's right, November is the month where you can attempt to write a 50,000 word novel. It works out as 1,667 words every day during November. More info on the website here: http://www.nanowrimo.org/ Look out for my profile there, which is also magemanda.
I decided to jump on board about three days before the start of the month, and leapt in without plot, ideas or characters - just a vague idea about starting it on the run up to Christmas and using my real life experience of making a Christmas meal for the first time (I've volunteered to host my folks). Now I have a sprawling 30,000 words written and I'm on target to win. I'm producing something chick lit ish, which surprises me considering the amount of fantasy I read!
So excuse me while I scurry off and use the free time I have to continue struggling to force these words out while saying to myself: "Quantity, not quality!"
See you in December with more book reviews and I might even pick up my rewatch of The West Wing as well!