Yes, in the immortal words of Porky Pig, I am announcing the closure of Floor to Ceiling Books.
This is not a decision made lightly. But it is, I feel, a necessary decision to make.
You see, I have a new job. A dream job. I am going to be heading up the new imprint from Angry Robot - STRANGE CHEMISTRY. I am taking my place as editor of Strange Chemistry (sister imprint of ANGRY ROBOT BOOKS), and will be bringing you the best in YA books in the future.
As such, I felt there was simply too much of a conflict of interest to continue blogging and reviewing books - especially those that are published in the same arena that I will be working in.
I love you all, my readers who have been loyal and who have come back to my blog time and again to read the words I put out. I will miss blogging. I will miss enthusing over new book finds with you and encouraging you to part with money for those novels you really shouldn't be missing.
But *deep breath* I will now be choosing some of those novels that I think you should be reading (and I'm afraid to say I grin madly every time I contemplate that fact!) I will be discussing with you the new directions we can see YA going. I can enthuse to you about how important and vital I think young adult fiction is.
I'm glad that I can finally tell you all what has been going on the past few months (I think some of you probably had your suspicions anyway!) and I hope that you will all join me on my new journey, bringing Strange Chemistry to life.
Thank you all so, so much and see you on the other side!
Amazing Adventures: Marvel Super Stories #2
3 hours ago